Two leading Bach interpreters embark on a journey while traversing his Six Suites, the apogee of the cello repertoire. Filled with mystery and beauty, blasted through with rapture, every note is a bold statement. Music that first flowed from the composer’s quill in the early 1700’s, it belongs to no specific time or place. At the same time as it floats in the heavenly spheres, it provides plenty of earthly pleasures – courtly music, riffs, Celtic jigs, the merriment of a tavern musician, and glimpses of modern minimalism. The title “Unaccompanied” is a bit of a misnomer: a single cellist takes on numerous voices, making the music drama for three or four characters played by the actor! If angels danced, this is the music that would no doubt accompany them on their gramophone.
Colin Carr, cello; Yehuda Hanani, cello
“…Colin Carr—supreme technique and ebullience” –Boston Musical Intelligencer
“In this era of the cello, Hanani is among the best. His Bach was absorbing,
imaginative, beautiful in all respects.” –San Francisco Examiner