Talk: Language, Storytelling Traditions and Music

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Language, storytelling traditions and music with Erik Anderson of Minot State University.

Talk: The Whole Pianist

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The Whole Pianist - Technique, care for the body, and bettering one's artistry outside of just practicing! Click this link to register for this event:

Concert: Moonlight Sonatas


Hear our brilliant young current participants, international faculty and alumni on an array of instruments -- violin, viola, cello, guitar, voice and piano -- and with varied repertoire. Everything from Vivaldi to Villa-Lobos, Rossini and Puccini to Brahms and Boulanger. These performances are fresh and free! Close Encounters with Music's Youtube page:

Orchestral Workshop

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Orchestral Excerpts and Tips for Auditions with Diego Fainguersch, 1st cello of the Buenos Aires Philharmonic. Click this link to register for this event:

Master Class: Vocalists

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Master class with Vocalists Danielle Talamantes of the Metropolitan Opera and Kerry Wilkerson of George Mason University. Click this link to register for this event:

Piano Master Class

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Piano master class with Ieva Jokubaviciute from Duke University. Click this link to register for this event:

Workshop: Using Social Media as Your Stage

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Using Social Media as your stage, an untapped resource for classical musicians with Carolyn Regula aka "The Cello Doll." Click this link to register for this event:

Concert: Moonlight Sonatas


Hear our brilliant young current participants, international faculty and alumni on an array of instruments -- violin, viola, cello, guitar, voice and piano -- and with varied repertoire. Everything from Vivaldi to Villa-Lobos, Rossini and Puccini to Brahms and Boulanger. These performances are fresh and free! Close Encounters with Music's Youtube page:

Talk: The Composer-Performer Relationship

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The Composer-Performer Relationship: Making Successful New Music Together with Tamar Muskal. Click this link to register for this event:

Concert: Moonlight Sonatas


Hear our brilliant young current participants, international faculty and alumni on an array of instruments -- violin, viola, cello, guitar, voice and piano -- and with varied repertoire. Everything from Vivaldi to Villa-Lobos, Rossini and Puccini to Brahms and Boulanger. These performances are fresh and free! Close Encounters with Music's Youtube page: